Aircraft Owners and Operators

We offer hygiene procedures and products, as well as practical guidance and support to enable you to achieve FlySkills Hygiene Certification to protect aircraft owners, passengers, crew and your employees.


Aircraft Operators

In the post-COVID-19 world that is emerging, one thing is becoming clear above all else:  social distancing and hygiene precautions are here to stay
in one form or another.

Inevitably, this will mean that aircraft owners and passengers will expect and demand that they travel in hygienic and safe environments.  It’s an easy demand for your clients to make – but how do they know if you’re as good as you say you are?

This is where the Flyskills Hygiene Certification Program comes in – it gives you the ability to demonstrate objectively that you are achieving the very highest standards in the industry, not only giving your clients peace of mind but also giving you a competitive edge in the marketplace.

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Aircraft Owners

If you are an aircraft owner operating your aircraft privately or without a management company, you can still achieve Flyskills Hygiene Certification for your aircraft, crew and staff.  

Not only does this give you peace of mind that you are flying in a safe environment, it also ensures that your crew and staff are afforded the greatest protection to minimise sickness rates as well as providing your staff with the duty of care they deserve.

Flyskills offers tailored packages for aircraft owners that will provide you with everything you need according to the standards you set.

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Get In Touch

FlySkills staff are ready to provide whatever support you need. Simply contact us and we will discuss your requirements and tailor specific support packages to your needs.